Search results for: scalado

Scalado is an industry leader when it comes to imaging technology and you may remember the fancy software they were showing off at Mobile World Congress 2012. While they continue to entice OEMs to include their tech directly into devices, they’ve also been kind enough to release their first app onto the Google Play Store. Today Scalado released their Scalado Album app which is essentially an image gallery app on steroids.

Planet view turns even the most hideous industrial landscape into a beautiful paradise. With factories

BARCELONA, MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS 2012 — Scalado, most recently seen removing people from photos like a cold-war-era dictatorship, today showed me some of its other fancy photo-processing apps. Scattered across Android, Windows Phone and Symbian, but mostly Android, there is an embarrassment of cleverness in fast photo processing.

Scalado has announced the release of their revolutionizing product named Remove. Scalado’s Remove automatically highlights and removes any unwanted object from a captured photo. The software is able to remove any object that happened to sneak into your shot while static objects remain irremovable. It’s perfect for shots on busy streets or popular landmarks where there may be a lot of passing tourists.