Posts tagged lg

The LG G5. Photo: Evan Blass

The LG G5. Photo: Evan Blass

LG’s upcoming G5, which will be announced this Sunday, February 21, will be unlike any smartphone it has launched before.

Not only will it deliver an all-new design made out of metal, but it will have a unique expansion slot in its bottom that will allow users to pair it with accessories that add extra functionality. These photos give us an early glimpse at it all.

Galaxy S7 leaks again. Photo: Steve Hemmerstoffer

Galaxy S7 leaks again. Photo: Steve Hemmerstoffer

We had our doubts over the Galaxy S7’s support for USB-C, and now new images have confirmed Samsung won’t be adopting the new standard just yet. Instead, the South Korean company’s latest flagship will use micro-USB — but is that a bad thing?


The ReFlex, a prototype flexible smartphone, might make you want to get the bends. Photo: Queens University

I’ve never really understood the appeal of flexible smartphones before I saw this video. Now it’s changed things forever to me. I want a Flexible iPhone! Or, better yet, an iPad! Because it’s going to open up whole new ways to interact with a device.

Verizon smartphones are getting sweeter today. Photo: Google

Verizon smartphones are getting sweeter today. Photo: Google

If you’ve got one of the latest devices from HTC or LG and you’re subscribed to Verizon, prepare yourself for Marshmallow.

Verizon PR representative Albert Aydin has confirmed the carrier will begin rolling out the latest Android 6.0 Marshmallow updates for the LG G4 and G3, and the HTC One M9 later today.

Don't let your old devices join the millions of others that end up in landfill every year. Photo: Jim Merithew/Cult of Android

Don’t let your old devices join the millions of others that end up in landfill every year. Photo: Jim Merithew/Cult of Android

Got an old Android you don’t use anymore? It’s useless to you in the bottom of a drawer, but if you dig it out and dust it off, you can sell it to us for cold hard cash!

We’re buying used and broken Android and Microsoft devices through our new buyback program, and we pay more than Best Buy, Gazelle, and Walmart in most cases. We’ll even buy used wearables, watches, and devices that don’t even work anymore.

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