Posts tagged facebook

New features found in the latest WhatsApp beta. Screenshots: Javier Santos

New features found in the latest WhatsApp beta. Screenshots: Javier Santos

WhatsApp made millions of smartphone users happy with week when it announced it will be ditching its annual subscription fee, but its next move might not be so popular.

According to a hidden option found in the latest WhatsApp beta for Android, the service is planning to share user data with Facebook “to improve [your] Facebook experiences.”

Messenger gets a redesign — but will you notice? Photo: Facebook

Messenger gets a redesign — but will you notice? Photo: Facebook

Facebook has begun testing a redesigned Messenger app for Android that now boasts touches of Material Design, including a useful floating action button and a transparent status bar.

Facebook real name policy

You probably still won’t be able to go by “Imperator Furiosa,” regardless of how awesome she and her name are. Photo: Thomas Ulrich/Pixabay

After some controversies and embarrassing missteps, social-media giant Facebook is trying to introduce tools to let its users go by the names they most identify with.

The tools it’s rolling out today will change up both how account owners can both report on and respond to real-name challenges.

Phone-killing apps

Which apps aren’t the best for your phone’s battery, performance, and data plan? Photo: Pixelkult/Pixabay CC


The latest quarterly report from antivirus company AVG has outed the battery-killingest, storage-hoggingest apps currently available.

Some of the culprits are unsurprising, but a few might be murdering your phone’s performance without you knowing, like some kind of ninjas that have somehow taken app form. All of this and more happens in “Appsassins,” the screenplay I’m pitching to SyFy.

But here are the biggest offenders, because that’s really the more important information here.


Facebook’s chief product officer has had enough of workers preferring the iPhone. Photo: Killian Bell/Cult of Android

Facebook has a problem of iPhone love: too many of its employees prefer Apple’s device when given the chance between an iPhone and Android smartphone. This means that up until now, far less workers have been able to truly live in an Android environment where they can identify bugs within Facebook and fix them. Now, the chief product officer is changing that by ordering some employees to switch to Android.

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