Posts tagged xperia-z2


The first live pictures of Sony’s upcoming second-half flagship — the Xperia Z3 — have leaked online. The handset looks remarkably similar to the Z2 (and Z1) with only a few minor design tweaks here and there. 



Verizon has finally begun accepting pre-orders for the LG G3, more than a month after the device got its official unveiling. Customers will pay a $99.99 upfront fee when they take out a new two-year contract, and orders will begin shipping by Thursday, July 17.


Following the announcement of bringing its miniature flagship — the Z1 Compact — to the United States, Sony has also announced that its latest flagship tablet — the Xperia Z2 Tablet — will soon be landing exclusively on Verizon.

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Do you own a Sony Xperia Z2 or are you thinking of getting your hands on one in the near future? If so, you may like to know that you can actually manage incoming calls without even having to touch its screen. ‘Smart Call Handling’ is on-board all Z2 devices and allows you to answer calls by bringing the phone to your ear, reject calls by shaking the handset and silence the ringer by placing the unit face down on a hard surface. Now that’s pretty cool.


Operating a phone with gloves is always a tricky procedure, unless you buy designated micro fibre ones which invariably are expensive. Do you remove one glove for one-handed operation or take off both and run the risk of dropping either one glove,two gloves or heaven forbid the phone?  To eradicate this issue, Sony has implemented a rather useful feature in its latest flagship smartphone, the Xperia Z2, which permits total interaction with the touchscreen when wearing gloves.

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