Posts tagged 1password


1Password will remain free on Android until Tuesday, August 19, maker AgileBits has confirmed — and a new update will make the popular password manager even easier to setup for new users. Version 4.1 will allow the creation of password “vaults” directly on Android devices, so you’ll no longer need to sync with an existing vault to get started.


Its the beginning of July, which means its time for our monthly round-up of apps and games released last month. Even though we had possibly the biggest Android related event in June, quite a few major apps and games were released on the Play Store. Henceforth, we would also be including apps that receive major UI and usability updates in our roundups.

So, without further ado and wasting much words, scroll below to read about the best apps released on the Play Store in June.


1Password 4, the incredibly popular password manager from AgileBits, is finally coming to Android next month. Designed for both phones and tablets, the full-featured app will resemble its iOS counterpart, and it will be completely free to use… until August 1, 2014.


AgileBits has teased a much-need update for its Android app that will bring a fresh new look and presumablyh new features. The last time 1Password for Android was updated was January 2012, and it’s aged a heck of a lot since then, falling way behind its Mac and iOS counterparts.