MOBA hit League of Legends coming to Android and iOS in 2020

League of Legends, the hugely successful multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game from Riot Games, is finally coming to Android and iOS.

It has been 10 years since the title made its debut, and it has since become one of the biggest PC games in the world. But this will be the first time LoL has made to leap to mobile devices.

It is estimated that more than 120 million fans hold LoL accounts, while 33 million people are playing every single month as of this September. The game has also proven incredibly popular in esports.

An April event, the Championship Series Spring Split Finals for North America, saw a staggering 100 million viewers tuning in online. That figure made LoL even bigger than last year’s Super Bowl.

And soon you’ll get to enjoy LoL anywhere on your smartphone.

League of Legends on its way to Android and iOS

Riot Games announced during LoL’s 10th anniversary celebrations this week that League of Legends: Wild Rift is en route to Android, iOS, and unspecified consoles.

Wild Rift will offer the same kind of MOBA gameplay as the original LoL, but with shorter matches — which will last around 15-20 minutes — that are better suited to mobile play.

Wild Rift is not a port of LoL on PC,” Riot explained. “It is a new game built from scratch to ensure it is a polished, legitimate LoL experience that’s worth players’ time.”

Wild Rift lands in 2020

The game will also feature its very own map, and a new twin-stick control scheme that will make it easier to play on touchscreens and controllers. It will likely be free-to-play like the original.

Wild Rift will launch on mobile in 2020, but Riot is yet to provide more details on the console version. You can already preregister your interest in the game on Google Play.