OnePlus kills off its invite system for the One

Invites are dead. For now. Photo: OnePlus
OnePlus is killing off the controversial invite system for its debut One smartphone as the device celebrates its first birthday. The device can now be purchased by anyone, at any time.
“This week marks a very special anniversary for OnePlus,” the Chinese startup writes on its blog. “Exactly one year ago this Thursday, April 23rd, we announced the OnePlus One to the world.”
Since then, the One has sold more than 1 million units worldwide. But in an effort to make it even more accessible, the company is doing away with invites. Not just on a Tuesday — but every day of the week.
If you’re still interested in buying the One, you can now visit the OnePlus online store and buy one. You don’t need a special code. You don’t need a friend with a OnePlus One. And you don’t need to wait. You can just buy one.
What’s more, OnePlus is knocking 75 percent off all One Flip Cover and screen protectors for 24 hours to celebrate, so you can kit out your new handset for a lot less. OnePlus is also doing away with invites for the Bamboo StyleSwap cover.
But don’t think that OnePlus is doing away with invites altogether; the ordering method will return later this year for the OnePlus 2 when that goes on sale.
“Yes, the [OnePlus] 2 will initially launch with invites,” the company says. “We’re committed to maintaining razor-thin margins in order to give as much value as possible back to our users, and this drastically increases our risk.”
“Our invite system has been a fascinating, evolving experiment,” OnePlus added. “Within the community, feelings towards our invite system vary, and we understand that. The reality is that we wouldn’t be where we are today without it. But, as always, we are listening.”
Let’s just hope the OnePlus 2 invite system doesn’t last quite as long as the One’s did.
- SourceOnePlus