6 Days To Play: Today’s $.25 Google Play Deals

Yesterday Google threw us a curve ball when they suddenly killed off our beloved Android Market (I still think they should be tried for murder) in favor of their new Google Play marketing scheme. Whether or not you’re a fan of the new name and logo (which I’m not), one thing I’m sure you’re a fan of — deals! Google kicked off the rebranding with some sweet deals in their 7 Days To Play promotion. For seven days various media will be discounted to the insane price of $.25. Today is day two, which means you have 6 days left to play and we have today’s list of great deals for you after the break.

Today’s $.25 deals include:

App: Flick Golf Extreme

Books: Fight Club

Movie: Inglorious Basterds

Music: Tha Carter IV from Lil’ Wayne

These deals are only good for today so scour your couch cushions for some extra quarters and head over to the Android Market Google Play Store to grab ’em while they’re hot.