Google Play Now Features A “Recommended For You”
As Android grows and the Play Store overfills with content, finding apps you might like becomes more daunting than it already is. Google knows this more than anyone, and since they’ve been outlining the groundwork for more content consumption (see Google Play gift cards), it’s only natural that they provide us more tools for app discovery.
If you head into Google Play you’ll notice a newly introduced “Recommended For You” section. Within this section you’ll find apps Google recommends based on various metrics. Under each app you’ll see things such as “+1’d by your friends,” “popular with similar users,” and “popular in your area.”
Google also gives you the ability to hide the app recommendations you’re not interested in; this way you can focus more on the apps you’d like to try out, rather than fishing through oodles of apps you already know you don’t like or want.
It’s nice to see tools like these being introduced, and better app discovery means more content consumption — something that everyone wants to see happen.