Instagram’s simple change makes comments much better

Instagram today made a simple change that makes commenting on photos much better.

Like Facebook and other services, it now supports threaded comments, so it’s easier to keep track of replies.

Getting great comments on your photos is one of the things that makes Instagram such a terrific image-sharing service. Back in June, the service added the ability to like those comments, and now it is making a simple change that makes conversations much easier.

Rather than displaying all comments in a chronological list, Instagram now supports threaded replies. When you respond to a comment on a photo, it will appear directly beneath the message you replied to, making conversations easier to keep track of.

Instagram comment threads

Don’t lose track of comment replies.

“Comment threads help you keep track of conversations and make it easy to respond to a specific thread,” says Instagram. “This update will make your feed an even better place to share interests, get inspired and connect with others.”

Threaded comments are available in Instagram version 24 and above for Android and iOS, which is rolling out now in the App Store and Google Play.