New Domino’s app orders your favorite pizza as soon as you open it

It's that simple! Video: Domino's

It’s that simple! Video: Domino’s

When that pizza craving hits, the faster you get your hands on a slice of pie, the better. Don’t waste any time when ordering your next one, then — use Zero Clicks.

With this new service from Domino’s, ordering your favorite pizza is as easy as opening an app.

It’s literally that simple; you tap the app icon on your home screen, and in just ten seconds, your pizza is ordered for you. Then all you have to do is sit back and try to forget about those hunger pains until the doorbell rings.

Of course, there is some setup involved. When you first install the Zero Clicks app, you’ll need to link it to your Domino’s profile (and create one if you haven’t already), then set an “Easy Order” option, which will be your go-to pizza.

Zero Clicks doesn’t just read your mind and guess what you want, then, or order something at random from the Domino’s menu. But once it knows what you like, it takes care of the rest.

The countdown gives you time to cancel an order if you open the app accidentally, but this is yet another reason not to let friends use your phone. It’s the modern-day equivalent of sending unwanted pizza to a friend as a prank, only now they have no choice but to pay up.

Domino’s has long been on a mission to make ordering pizza even easier. Zero Clicks follows easy ordering apps for smartwatches, TVs, and even your car — plus the option to tweet and text your order with emoji.

To download Zero Clicks for Android and iOS, follow the links below.