Google has shipped over 5m Cardboard headsets, served 25m VR apps

Google Cardboard is a winner. Photo: Google
Google Cardboard may not be the most sophisticated virtual reality headset, but it’s definitely the most accessible. As such, it’s been a huge success, with more than 5 million units shipped to date, and over 1,000 Cardboard apps now available on Android.
Cardboard was one of the first headsets to turn almost any phone into a VR headset, and because it’s so cheap, it makes the VR experience cheap and easy to access. It lets you visit incredible places, play amazing games, and watch immersive videos in the comfort of your living room.
19 months after Cardboard made its debut, more than 5 million units have now been shipped — 4 million of which were sold in the last 7 months alone. The number of Cardboard app downloads now exceeds 25 million, up from just 5 million last February.
That’s partly due to the number of Cardboard apps available, which continues to increase, and now stands at more than 1,000.
Cardboard users have also enjoyed more than 350,000 hours of virtual reality video on YouTube, taking more than 750,000 VR photos with Cardboard Camera, and enjoyed over half a million VR expeditions, which let you visit places like the White House and the Republic of Congo.
“While you’ve been traveling the world and beyond with Cardboard, we’ve been on a journey, too,” reads the Google blog. “Keep your eyes peeled for more projects that bring creative, entertaining and educational experiences to mobile VR.”
- SourceGoogle