These are all the new emojis on the way to Android

Say hello to Android’s new emojis. Photo: Killian Bell/Cult of Android
Google has confirmed it is catching up with the latest Unicode standards and bringing a whole bunch of new emojis to Android. The company has also tweaked the design of some existing ones — and you can see them all in the image below.
If you have iPhone-owning friends, you’ll probably know that they have more than 180 new emojis we Android users cannot enjoy yet. We can’t even view them, because Android simply cannot recognize them. Thankfully, that’s going to change.
Google is rolling out an update to its Nexus devices next week that will bring them up to speed with the iPhone — and it has provided third-party device manufacturers with the materials they need to do the same. In the image below, you can get an early glimpse at the emojis that are on the way.

We’re getting all these on Android soon!
Sadly, we don’t know when Google’s partners will make these emojis available on third-party devices, but those without a Nexus will likely be waiting for some time. This isn’t something Google can distribute with a Play Store update, so all we can do is wait for them to come.