Gameloft’s Freemium Dungeon Hunter 3 Lands In The Play Store, Fans Not Too Happy
Gameloft released the long awaited Dungeon Hunter 3 onto the Google Play Store over the weekend and fans seems to be a tad disappointed. With Dungeon Hunter 3, Gameloft abandoned the paid model in favor of freemium, and according to fans — they also abandoned the story and gameplay model.
A lot of developers are opting for the freemium model which offers users the game for free yet includes optional items that can be purchased in-game. Such items can speed up the game and give an advantage to users who are willing to pay the extra cash for weapons, potions, etc. The freemium model isn’t the biggest problem though, it’s the fact that Gameloft has turned the Diablo-esque gameplay and rich story line into a pointless hack-and-slash bent on pillaging the cash from your pockets.
As you can see from the Play Store User ratings, there’s almost as many 1 star reviews as there are 5 star. While I’m all for developers doing what they can to monetize on their hard work, it shouldn’t be done at the expense of gameplay. So, if you were a huge fan of the first two Dungeon Hunter games, chances are you’re going to be disappointed in the third. That’s not to say you’ll hate it, as there were 200+ users willing to give it 5 stars.
You can download the latest Dungeon Hunter game by visiting the Google Play Store link below and be sure to let us know what you think of this new freemium version of the classic Dungeon Hunter franchise.
Google Play Store Link | Dungeon Hunter 3