WordPress 2.0 For Android Adds One-Tap Access, Tablet Support, And More
WordPress for Android has been updated to version 2.0 and promises to make blogging on your Android device faster and easier. This newest version is chock full of new features including: tablet support, a new UI, and a new Post Editor. While these changes seem to make the whole experience more feasible, I still consider using my phone as a blogging tool to be a last resort option. On the other hand, Blogging from a 10.1″ tablet with laptop dock — something I could get used to. Let’s take a look at this recent update and some of the changes that you’ll see when using WordPress 2.0 for Android.
You will find a revamped UI which includes a new Dashboard, with easy one-tap access to all your common tasks such as creating a new post or viewing stats. There’s a new comment count ribbon to easily view how many comments are awaiting your approval, and a quick Photo and Video button to make adding media a snap. You’ll also notice the new Action Bar, which allows you to quickly switch blogs, refresh content or show the Dashboard.
Getting into the nitty-gritty of blogging is an entirely rehashed Post Editor. Included is a new formatting toolbar, full screen view and the ability to add media content wherever you like, as well as edit the Title, Caption, Placement and Size of images.
Now comes the good part — tablet support! A much needed feature in a time when Android tablets are becoming more affordable. Included in the tablet support is a well designed UI with a scrolling list of items on the left and a detail view on the right. Support for many new 7″ tablets is now available including a Kindle Fire app which will be hitting the Amazon App Store soon.
Other additions to WordPress 2.0 for Android include:
- – Stats chart improvements
- – Background post uploading
- – WordPress.com Read feature improvements
- – Post Status is now displayed in post list
- – Reliability improvements and more
For a better look at all the new changes, check out the video below (that I swear our very own Leander secretly produced) or visit the source link below. Cheers!
Android Market Link | WordPress
- SourceWordPress for Android