Samsung’s shameless attempt to be as popular as Apple laughably backfires

Better try harder Samsung!
Another day, another Samsung PR error that tries to knock Apple but winds up just making the South Korean tech company look a bit foolish.
This time, Cleveland baseball player Trevor Bauer tweeted out a list of demands, similar to the joke ransom note Tim Cook showed off at the start of last week’s WWDC. As you would expect, the demands this time were for a variety of Samsung products instead of Apple devices.
The problem? The tweet was sent from an iPhone.
“@indians Bullpen settled for @tim_cook Apple products but we want @samsungmobileus,” Bauer tweeted… from his Apple product.
To be completely fair to Samsung, this hasn’t 100% been confirmed as a piece of Samsung PR, since it wasn’t sent out through the usual Samsung channels. It does, however, reek of Samsung’s frequent attempts to rip off Apple — only to come off worse in the end.
Perhaps most famously, the company ponied up cash to get Oscars host Ellen DeGeneres to appear on-stage with a Galaxy Note at the Oscars — only for DeGeneres to ditch the device the moment she stepped off-stage, as evidenced by the fact she spent the rest of the evening tweeting out selfies using an iPhone.
Better luck next time Samsung! Maybe if you focused on selling phones instead of dissing Apple you’d be doing better.
Via: BGR