Ice Cream Sandwich Begins Rolling Out To Archos G9 Tablets

Archos may be a month late on their promise to update their G9 tablets to Android 4.0 but it’s here now and they’re still ahead of many top manufacturers. Archos has begun rolling out Ice Cream Sandwich to their G9 lineup and if you’re the proud owner of a G9 7 or 10-inch tablet, you can expect to receive Android 4.0 in an OTA update soon.

The update process is quite easy and only requires a Wi-Fi connection. Users will be notified with the letter “A” appearing in the lower right hand corner of their device. Just click on the “A” and you’ll be on your way to joining the elite 1% of Android users running the latest and greatest OS version. Kudos to you Archos for making sure your users are up-to-date with software.

via Android Central