Glu Mobile To Show Off Android Beam Support For Their Hit Title Gun Bros Multiplayer [MWC]

The Glu Mobile team will be on hand at this year’s Mobile World Congress to show off the latest Android Beam support for their hit freemium game Gun Bros Multiplayer. Thanks to Near Field Communication technology, users who have Gun Bros installed on their Android 4.0 device will be able to quickly initiate a multiplayer session by simply placing their devices back to back and tapping “Touch To Beam.” It can also be used to send a user directly to the Android Market to download the game if they don’t have it yet.
NFC is slowly gaining adoption and we’re just starting to see its potential. We’ve yet to really see it implemented into mobile gaming but I’m betting we’ll see a lot of game developers follow suit after Glu shows it off at MWC. Most of you won’t really care about this yet as only 1% of Android devices feature NFC and Android 4.0, but a quick look at this year’s MWC device lineup and it’s clear that NFC and Android 4.0 are on every OEM’s agenda. So while it’s still a bit premature, Kudos to Glu for taking the first steps.
The Glu team will be hanging out at the Android Booth (hall 8, booth #8C25), so make sure you pay them a visit for a quick demo and some multiplayer fragging.
- SourceMarket Watch