Android Apps Now Available On The BlackBerry PlayBook

As we all know, RIM hasn’t been doing so well. In fact they’ve had to lure Android developers by offering them free PlayBooks if they port their apps over to the BlackBerry App World. The PlayBook itself had a less than stellar release with many key features missing (native email). Owners have been waiting a long time to see an update and today they have finally received it. BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 hit the CrackBerry scene today and brought with it some much needed features, but most importantly to us, it brought the ability to run Android apps.

Now you won’t be able to just fire up your PlayBook and have access to the hundreds of thousands of Android apps available in the Android Market. PlayBook owners will only have access to apps that have been repackaged and submitted to the BlackBerry App World. There’s no telling which of the Android developers have actually gone ahead and done this, but we have to assume that number will increase as this update is sure to boost the PlayBook’s popularity.

So what do you think, can Android apps revitalize interest in the BlackBerry PlayBook or is RIM simply grasping at straws?