Leaked Sprint Roadmap Points To Blue HTC One Launch On September 10


We already know HTC is working on a new blue version of its flagship HTC One — we’ve seen the leaked press shot, and a picture of it in production. But when will it be available? According to a leaked Sprint roadmap, it’s scheduled to go on sale on September 10.If this is correct, Sprint could be offering all four HTC One options — black, silver, red, and blue — by the middle of next month. And given that the carrier only charges $99.99 for the handset up-front (with a new two-year contract), it could be your best option for a new HTC One.


Of course, that date could be subject to change. It might be part of Sprint’s roadmap, but these things get moved all the time. We wouldn’t expect it to alter drastically, though, so it’s possible Sprint will start selling the device at some point during September.

It’s also worth noting that the handset should appear in Europe, too — possibly before it goes on sale in the U.S.