ASUS To Address Transformer Prime “Lockups” Next Month

As if ASUS didn’t have enough problems with the whole GPS debacle on the Transformer Prime, it turns out a number of users have been complaining of random “lockups” ever since upgrading to Ice Cream Sandwich. While it doesn’t seem to be a wide spread issue, there have been enough complaints that ASUS has promised to address the issue next month.

Looks like ASUS has a lot on their plate for the month of February, as they plan to fix the “lockup” issues, GPS and WiFi issues, and release the much anticipated unlock tool for the Prime’s bootloader. They may have a lot to do, but at least they’re doing it, and acknowledging their customers complaints. I’m continually praising their efforts and could only wish other manufacturers were so involved.

Have any of you been experiencing these “lockups?” Have these issues affected your perception of ASUS products, or are you happy with the way they’re handling things? We’d love to hear from you.