The T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S II Becomes The First Device To Carry The Anti-Competitive Mobile Payment System ISIS

A while back, all the major carriers (with the exception of Sprint) got together to start up a mobile payment system called ISIS. While ISIS has been absent from the mobile market for the past two years, it hasn’t stopped the carriers backing it from blocking its competition (Google Wallet) — a move I find to be illegal and completely anti-competitive. Anyways, it appears ISIS has finally found its way onto its first mobile device via a software update and that device happens to be the T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S II.

T-Mobile Galaxy S II owners will find an update waiting for them via Kies, and while it bumps up your system to Android 4.0.3, it also lists an ISIS/NFC update in the changelog, under Improvements. This answers a few questions, but also raises some in the process. First, we now know ISIS will come in the form of a software update and won’t be limited to newly released phones. Second, we’re left to ask “why the Galaxy S II?”

Launching ISIS on the Galaxy S II is a strange choice, especially since the Galaxy S II is on Apple’s list of infringing devices it wants banned. Granted, everyone who already owns a S II will have access to it, it still seems like an awkward device to launch on.

I can tell you this much, the fact that the carriers behind this venture opted to block out its competitors has solidified my choice to never, ever, use this service. Had they allowed me to choose which mobile payment I wanted to use, I might have given it a try, but the fact that they want to force this upon me and shut out any competition, doesn’t sit well with me.

So kudos to the carriers for being anti-competitive, monopolistic greed mongers; you have made me hate ISIS before ever giving it a chance, and I will, under no circumstances, ever use it. I also encourage every other consumer to boycott ISIS for one reason and one reason only: the illegal actions by carriers to shut out all other competition in favor of a venture they have a personal interest in.

That’s my two cents.