Best Buy Now Offering The Verizon Galaxy Nexus For Free With 2-year Contract [Deal Alert]

What’s better than Amazon’s Verizon Samsung Galaxy Nexus for a penny deal? Best Buy’s Verizon Galaxy Nexus for free deal! That’s right, the retail chain that constantly calls the Galaxy Nexus the Nexus Prime, is now offering Google’s latest Nexus smartphone for nothing more than your signature on a new 2-year contract (upgrades appear eligible as well).

The Samsung Galaxy Nexus is Google’s latest “developer phone,” and although Verizon is the only carrier to corrupt this beautiful device, it’s still an amazing device that runs Vanilla Android (ICS) and carries the Nexus name. If Verizon gets its head out of its you know what, you’ll also be looking at getting Jelly Bean in the near future.

If you don’t have any cash to put up for a new device, then I can assure you, there is no better deal available at this time than a free Samsung Galaxy Nexus.

If this sounds like the deal for you, call up your local Best Buy to make sure they’re running the same special.