HTC One Teaser Shows Glimpses Of The Upcoming Handset [Video]


We now have less than a week to wait for HTC to unveil its next flagship smartphone, and to ensure you’re suitably excited, the Taiwanese company has started a countdown on its website that will finish on February 19. But it’s not just a simple timer; in the background quick glimpses of the upcoming HTC One are shown every few seconds.

It doesn’t give too much away, as you’d expect, but we can piece together some idea of what the handset’s going to look like. And to make things a little easier, YouTube user “guarav2328” has taken all of the brief teasers from HTC’s website and rolled them into a 20-second video.

All of the shots are close-ups of the HTC One, and there aren’t all that many of them, so it’s difficult to establish what the handset’s going to look like. All of that lighting and lens flare doesn’t help, either. But if you look really closely, you’ll notice a few things that are particularly interesting.

Around five seconds into the video, you catch a glimpse of what appears to be a rather large camera lens — much larger than most smartphone camera lenses. This strengthens claims that the One will offer a new “ultrapixel” camera technology, which employs a number of sensors — as opposed to the traditional one — that combine to provide you with better photographs.

Then, around 10 seconds into the video, we see one of the sides of the device. Unlike most HTC handsets, it looks rather sharp and flat; there’s hardly any curve, aside from the slight chamfer at the very edge. That chamfer is also apparent around 17 seconds into the video.

Now, I could be wrong, but this tells me the leaked render of the device that we saw earlier this week could be very close to its final design. As I noted then, it looks very similar to the iPhone 5, which also has straight sides and chamfered edges, and very few curves.

Whatever the case may be, HTC clearly wants us to get excited about the One.