Evernote To Award Over $100,000 In Prizes In Second Annual Developer Competition

Evernote is planning on giving away over $100,000 in prizes in its second annual worldwide developer competition: the Evernote Devcup. Devcup challenges software developers and designers to create awesome products that integrate with the Evernote API for desktop, mobile or the web. The competition, which opens in 4 days, will award developers with over $100,000 in prizes and give finalists the chance to present their work to the attendees at Evernote’s Trunk Conference in San Francisco.

If you’re thinking about entering this year’s Evernote Devcup, you’ll want to mark the following dates on your calender:

  • Now through June 25th – Form a team, come up with an idea, build an app!
  • June 25th – Submission deadline
  • July 23rd – 6 finalists announced
  • July 24th – Finalists present their entries at the Evernote Trunk Conference; the Grand Prize winner and runners up are chosen

Last year, nearly 1,000 developers from around the world entered the challenge so you can expect some stiff competition. Last year’s Grand Prize winner was an Android app called Touchanote, which allows a user to associate real life objects with their Evernote notes using NFC. I’m sure you creative innovators out there won’t have a problem topping that.

If you’d like more information on Evernote’s second annual developer challenge, visit the source link below and put on your thinking caps.

