Chrome For Android Updated, Still No Love For Non-Android 4.0 Users

If you’re one of the lucky Android users running Android 4.0, then you’ve probably taken advantage of Google Chrome Beta for Android. This beta will most likely end up being the future stock browser for Android and brings us closer to a unified browser experience from desktop to mobile. Google recently pushed out an update to Chrome For Android, bringing many “much-requested” features, such as:

  • You can now request the desktop version of a website, in case you would rather not view the mobile version.
  • You can now add bookmarks as shortcuts on your home screen, so you can get to your favorite sites faster.
  • Choose your favorite apps to handle links opened in Chrome.
  • Have a proxy setup for Wi-Fi access? You can now use Chrome with the system proxy configured in Android

This is quite a refreshing update and and I’m happy to see they’ve added the ability to request the desktop version. I, for one, hate the mobile version of sites and always switch to the desktop version when available.

Unfortunately it’s still an Ice Cream Sandwich exclusive — meaning, the majority of Android users will be unable to take advantage of these new features. If it were up to me, I’d let you all have it, but since it’s not, you’ll just have to wait on Google (or Ice Cream Sandwich).

For more information on Chrome for Android Beta, follow the links below.

Google Play Store Link | Chrome For Android Beta