Samsung Direct’s Free Extended Battery With Galaxy Nexus Purchase Isn’t Such A Good Deal

If you’re a regular reader of Android blogs, you may have noticed the reports of Samsung direct offering a free extended battery to those who purchase a Verizon Samsung Galaxy Nexus. At first glance it doesn’t sound like that bad of a deal. I mean, if you’re planning on purchasing a Samsung Galaxy Nexus on Verizon anyways, why not get a free extended battery out of the deal, right? Wrong. Before you go dropping your hard earned cash on this “deal,” I figured I had a duty to inform you guys that there are much better deals out there for getting both a Verizon Samsung Galaxy Nexus and an extended battery.

First, let’s take a look at what Samsung Direct is offering. For $299 you’ll get a Samsung Galaxy Nexus on Verizon with a free 2100mAh extended battery. Yes, that is better than buying the Samsung Galaxy Nexus directly from Verizon for $299 without an extended battery. However, if you like holding on to your money, you can grab a Verizon Samsung Galaxy Nexus for $99 from Amazon Wireless and then purchase an extended battery through Amazon for around $30. Total savings: $170! I don’t know about you, but I can think of quite a few things to buy with the extra $170 you’ll be saving by not purchasing your Galaxy Nexus from Samsung Direct. Just sayin’.