HTC One mini 2 to be robbed of Duo Camera and more


It is no secret that HTC has been working on a mini variant of the One M8 — the One mini 2. Leaks and rumors have already indicated that compared to its big brother, the One mini 2 will not only be a substantial downgrade in size, but in the specifications department as well.

Now, according to @evleaks, the One mini 2 is going to be devoid of quite a few major features including the Duo Camera and Motion Launch. 

Other notable features that would be missing include Zoe, Fitbit and Pan360 photos. While it is clear that the secondary Duo camera has been removed to keep the price of the device in check, the lack of other features should be a direct result of HTC using a not-so-new chipset from Qualcomm.

The Snapdragon 801 chipset inside the One M8 includes a dedicated Sensor hub, like the M7 processor on the iPhone 5s, which allows HTC to include a Fitbit like functionality into it. Since the M8 mini is expected to be using a lower-end Snapdragon 400 chipset, it is going to miss out on such features.

The lack of an inbuilt Zoe mode in the Camera app should not be too much of a problem, since HTC already has a dedicated Zoe app available on the Play Store. Presumably, the company would expand the app’s availability to the One Mini 2 once it goes on sale.

With Motorola launching some excellent budget phones like the Moto G and Moto E, HTC greatly needs to step up its game with the One mini 2 if it wants to capture a significant share of this market.