Amazon Offering All Sprint 4G Phones For A Penny [Deal Alert]

I seriously can’t praise Amazon Wireless enough for the amazing deals they offer on smartphones. Anyone looking to purchase a phone should really consider checking out Amazon Wireless before making any decisions because they really do offer the best prices. In fact, throughout the month of March, every Sprint 4G smartphone is on sale for a penny. Not only can you get a new phone for a penny but if you purchase before March 19th, Amazon will also waive the activation fee (a $36 deal).

This is a great deal for anyone looking to pick up a new phone on the only network to still offer truly unlimited data. Of course these deals are only good for new 2-year contracts or additional lines but still not a bad deal. With Sprint rolling out LTE and gearing up for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, it’s a great time to get a WiMAX device on the cheap. Head on over to Amazon Wireless to check out the selection of Sprint 4G devices now on sale and be sure to look around for other deals while you’re at it (DROID phones are on sale as well).

via Android Police