Get Samsung’s Milk Music App To Work On Non-Samsung Devices [Tip]

Samsung Milk Music

The advantage of Samsung’s kitchen sink approach is that every once a while it manages to come out with a terrific product or service. Samsung’s Milk Music radio service is the perfect example of this and provides users access to over 13 million songs and 200 stations for free without any kind of advertisements, at least for the time being.

Sadly, the Milk Music app is only available to Samsung’s Galaxy devices owners in the United States. 

Thankfully, the Milk Music app only checks the build.prop of the Android device before starting, which can be easily faked provided you have root access. If you live in the United States and are want to try out Samsung’s Milk Music service on your non-Samsung Android device, follow the steps below:

1. Head over to the Play Store and download Build Prop Editor. Also, download and install the Milk Music APK on your Android device from here.


2. Open the app and find the ro.product.manufacturer line and change it to Samsung. Similarly, find the ro.product.model line and change it to Galaxy Note 3 or Galaxy S4. Make sure to restart your Android device for the changes to take effect.

You can now enjoy using the Milk Music app without any issues for the time being. Do keep in mind that since you have modified the build.prop file, the Play Store will identify your device as a Galaxy S4 or Note 3 and show apps compatible with them. There might be compatibility issues with some apps as well but nothing too serious to affect usability. Since the Milk app checks the build.prop every time it’s started, you cannot restore the changes made to build.prop as long as you want to continue using it.

How are you liking Samsung’s new ad-free Music streaming service? Do drop in a comment and let us know!