Verizon HTC One’s KitKat Update Coming ‘Shortly’


HTC’s Android 4.4 KitKat update for its flagship One has already rolled out in many markets all around the world — including the U.S. — but in typical Verizon fashion, the carrier is keeping its customers waiting. If you’re one of them, you’ll be pleased to know that it will be arriving “shortly.”

“We have received technical approval for the OS 4.4 + Sense 5.5 update today,” announced HTC’s Executive Director of Product Management, Mo Versi, on Twitter this morning. “Expect the OTA out shortly.”

Those with an HTC One on Verizon, then, should get a notification soon to say KitKat is finally ready to download. Versi didn’t provide us with a timescale, but if HTC has now received approval from Verizon — which is the bit that typically delays the update process — it should be just a matter of days.

The update will be identical to that which reached Sprint’s HTC One last week, so users can expect the latest Sense 5.5 user interface — which includes the ability to disable BlinkFeed — as well as updated Gallery, Music, and Camera apps.