Buy Chromecast With Your Nexus 7 & Get $35 Google Play Credit


Treating yourself to a new Nexus 7 this Christmas? You may want to add a Chromecast to your basket as well. If you buy both devices at the same time, Google will give you $35 of Google Play credit to spend on apps, games, movies, music, and more — effectively making the Chromecast dongle absolutely free.

The deal comes just a day after Google announced that a bunch of Android and iOS apps will be updated to support Chromecast streaming. Some of those include VEVO, Revision 3, and Songza, while apps like RealPlayer Cloud and Plex will bring local media streaming to the device for the first time.

The Google Play credit gives consumers a great reason to pick up a Chromecast when buying the Nexus 7, because it basically makes the $35 Chromecast free. So if you’ve been thinking about picking up both devices, now’s probably the best time to do so.

And of course, if you’re not really interested in the Chromecast yourself, you could always pass it on as a Christmas gift.