Google Releases Android 4.3.1 For LTE Nexus 7


Google has released a new Android 4.3.1 software update for the LTE Nexus 7, which users can download now over-the-air. It’s an incremental update that weighs in at just 16.6MB, and it comes with build number “JLS36I.”

The update doesn’t bring any new features, and Google hasn’t provided a change log, so we’re left guessing why it’s here. But like a lot of minor updates, this one is likely to include bug fixes, performance enhancements, and improved stability. If you’ve noticed anything new — or anything fixed — let us know about it in the comments.

The update has only reached the LTE Nexus 7 so far, so it looks like it fixes issues with that particular device. But it may arrive on the Wi-Fi Nexus 7, the Nexus 4, and other Nexus devices later on — so keep your eyes peeled.