Vine Sharing Tumbles Following Instagram Video Launch [Report]
We had feared that Facebook’s ploy to ruin the Vine party by bringing video to Instagram would work, and according to data from Marketing Land, we were right. Since Instagram began supporting video on June 15, Vine sharing has tumbled by about 70%.
Marketing Land used Topsy’s analytical tool to compare how many links to Instagram and Vine have been shared on Twitter over the past month, and the chart they’ve drawn up is enough to put even the happiest Vine staffer in a bad mood.
It shows that Vine sharing continued to grow pretty steadily throughout early June, but by the middle of the month — when Video on Instagram was announced — it all went downhill. Almost 3 million Vine links were shared on Twitter on June 15, but only 2.5 million were being shared by June 19.
June 20 is where Vine’s fall really started. Only 1.5 million links were shared that day, and that figure has been declining since. On June 26, only 900,000 Vine links were shared. That’s a drop of around 70% since video for Instagram was announced.
Vine will continue, of course, and I’m sure once the novelty of Instagram video has worn off that Vine will see more users again. The company has also promised “some exciting new parts of Vine” that are on the way this summer.
- SourceMarketing Land