What It’s Like When You Get Google Glass

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Google Glass is that futuristic, weird, strangely beautiful technology that is very real but not within grasp yet. It has been demoed and even spotted in public, but only the privileged few have access to Glass right now. Google’s Glass “Explorers” (mostly celebrities and influential members of the press who got invited to use the hardware early) are starting to get Glass prototypes. You know what that means: unboxing pics and videos!

Google Glass ships in a minimalistic, sleek box with a cool logo that probably stands for something profound. Inside the box you will find two sunglasses visors, a dandy bag, and a power cord to keep Glass all charged and ready to go.

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The guy who posted the above unboxing, Brandon Allgood, has uploaded a bunch of pictures of him using Glass. The camera takes pretty decent shots.



Here’s an unboxing video from another lucky Glass Explorer:


And for kicks: what it’s like to drive a go kart wearing Google Glass:


Google hasn’t given a specific date for when Glass will be available to everyone.