Movies From Google Play Just Got Way More Engaging On Android Tablets

Good ol’ Jack Black.
Have you have been watching a movie and wondered where you’ve seen an actor before? Normally you’d have to pause whatever you’re watching and look it up in IMDB or something, but now you can get that info by simply pausing in the Google Play Movies & TV app.
Google has added a pretty cool feature today called info cards. Details on actors, related movies, and even soundtracks will instantly pop up whenever you pause what you’re watching on an Android tablet.
“You can tap on an actor’s face to learn more about him, like his age, place of birth, his character in the movie, and his recent work, or scroll through the info cards to learn more about the movie or soundtrack,” according to Google. “When you resume the movie, the cards will disappear.” This utilizes Google’s growing Knowledge Graph.
Hundreds of movies are compatible with the new feature right now, and Google says it’s adding more every day. A list is available here. Any Android tablet running Ice Cream Sandwich has access to info cards. Make sure to update the Movies & TV app in Google Play to try it out.
Coincidentally, Amazon released a similar kind of feature for its tablets earlier today.
- SourceGoogle Play
- ViaOfficial Android Blog