Evernote For Android Gets Camera Improvements, Shortcuts, Searching & More


Evernote for Android has today been updated to version 5.0. This release brings a number of new features to the popular note-taking app, including compatibility with the Evernote Smart Notebook from Moleskin, document searching, and shortcuts. It also makes improvements to the existing camera function.

Evernote’s camera feature now digitizes photos of physical documents and pages. So you can photograph handwritten notes and other documents you have on old-fashioned paper and store them digitally in your Evernote notebooks. And because they’re digitized, you can search them just like any other notes.

What’s more, Evernote for Android is now compatible with the Evernote Smart Notebook from Moleskin. If you like taking handwritten notes and making sketches, then it’s a perfect companion to the Evernote app. You can purchase one through the Evernote website, and they’re priced at $24.95.

This update also adds shortcuts, and document search, which allows you to search attached Office documents, including spreadsheets and presentations. However, document search is a feature available to Evernote Premium subscribers only.

The latest version of Evernote for Android can be downloaded from Google Play now using the source link below.