Motorola Selling The DROID RAZR HD Developer Edition For $599.99

If you were planning on picking up the new DROID RAZR HD from Verizon and also plan on paying full retail to keep your unlimited data plan, you might as well purchase the Developer Edition from Motorola. Motorola is now selling the Developer Edition of the RAZR HD on its website for $599.99. You get all the same spec minus a locked bootloader.

Why would you need an unlocked bootloader? Because you don’t want to be stuck on Ice Cream Sandwich for the next year, that’s why. Just be happy you have the choice. Motorola could have dragged their feet like Samsung did with the Developer Edition of the Galaxy S III — and we know how that turned out (the non-developer version was cracked way before the Developer Edition ever had a chance).

If you’re in the market, you can grab it by following the link below. Now where’s the RAZR MAXX HD Developer Edition?