Today Google Discontinues Its Prepaid Cards, Make Sure To Request A Refund For Any Unused Balance
In case you forgot or were unaware, today is the day Google discontinues its prepaid cards. Before Google Wallet supported credit and debit cards, the Google prepaid card was the only way to add funds for many people. Now that the majority of cards are accepted, Google is doing away with the prepaid cards. However, there may be many of you who still have a remaining balance (especially that free credit balance). Google doesn’t want you to lose out on those funds so it’s allowing users to request a refund online.
Refund processing won’t actually begin until October 30th but you can put a request in at anytime. Refund requests will be honored until June 1, 2013 so you have plenty of time to recover your funds.
When I accessed my Google Wallet account today, I was given the prompt reminding me of today’s deadline, however, my prepaid card was still available. I haven’t tried to use it, but I plan on giving it a shot later tonight. It’s possible you’ll still have today to spend it but I’m not positive.
If you have a remaining balance, Google lays out instructions on how to get a refund at the link below. Refunds will be issued in form of physical prepaid card or check. I’m betting Google will be writing out a bunch of $0.06 checks in the near future.
All the information you need can be found by following the link below.
- SourceGoogle Wallet