More Than Half Of All Android Devices Are Still Stuck On Gingerbread

As you can see by the numbers above, it’s still a sad state of affairs when it comes to Android devices being updated to the latest platform version. The majority of Android devices out there are still stuck on Gingerbread — a version of Android released almost 2 years ago. We, of course, can’t blame Google for this, but the lack of updates by OEMs and carriers is downright disgusting.

It’s almost been a year since Google released Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) and yet only 20.9% of Android devices are running it. Jelly Bean, which is the latest version of Android, has managed to capture 1.2% of the Android market thanks to the release of the Nexus 7, but also appears to be destined for a slow upgrade schedule.

It would be awfully nice if OEM’s and carriers could get their act together, but since we all know that isn’t going to happen, it’s up to Google to continue its Nexus line to ensure consumers have access to devices running the latest version of Android.

I personally only purchase Nexus devices, and given our current state of affairs when it comes to updates, I suggest you do the same. Gingerbread will probably remain the majority leader all the way up until 2013, then we should see the numbers drop as people reach the end of their 2-year contract.

What version of Android are you running?