Looks Like It’s Back To The Drawing Board For Google And The Nexus Q

I was a bit skeptical when the Nexus Q sold out in less than 24 hours, and rightfully so it would appear. Today, Google began sending out emails to Nexus Q customers (a short list btw) who had pre-ordered the device to inform them that they were postponing the consumer launch to work on making it even better. In other words, “we realized no one wants a $300 doorstop.”

Don’t get me wrong, the Nexus Q is a beautiful looking device, but at $300, it needs to do more than simply stream music and video to my TV. Many Android fans were hoping the Q would have Google TV built-in, and I have to admit, the Q would make a kick-ass looking Google TV box, but it would still be a bit pricey at $300.

Thankfully, Google has been paying attention to initial feedback (remember they gave Google I/O attendees free Nexus Q devices) and has decided the Nexus Q — in its current state — is not of great value to consumers. Rather than release it anyways and watch it crash and burn, Google has vowed to make it better before releasing it to the masses.

But what about all three people who pre-ordered the Nexus Q when it hit the Play Store last week? Well, it’s their lucky day! Google has decided to reward all those who were crazy enough (or just love Google enough) to drop $300 dollars for the Q, by sending them all a free device!

We have an important update about your Nexus Q pre-order.

When we announced Nexus Q at Google I/O, we gave away devices to attendees for an early preview. The industrial design and hardware were met with great enthusiasm. We also heard initial feedback from users that they want Nexus Q to do even more than it does today. In response, we have decided to postpone the consumer launch of Nexus Q while we work on making it even better.

To thank you for your early interest, we’d like to extend the Nexus Q preview to our pre-order customers and send you a free device. If you had other items in your order, your credit card will be charged for those items only.

Your Nexus Q will be on its way soon and you will receive a notification and tracking number from Google Play when it ships.

The Nexus Q Team

I bet now you’re wishing you pre-ordered that damn orb! Kudos to Google. They definitely made the right decision by doing this. I can’t wait to see what they do to improve the Q because I may just end up returning that VIZIO Co-Star if they add Google TV to it.