Google Fiber: The Future Of The Internet And The Connected Home

I knew there was a reason Dorothy and Toto wanted to go back to Kansas: Google Fiber. Google’s Fiber Project is set to go live in Kansas City and there about a million people currently considering packing up an moving because of it. I, myself, couldn’t be more jealous of what Kansas City is about to receive: the next generation of internet.

So what is Google Fiber? Google Fiber is the answer to all of our cable provider woes. Not only does Google Fiber provide a connection speed 100 times faster than today’s average broadband, but it combines all your internet and TV needs in a faster, larger, more affordable package.

Google will be offering up three packages to Kansas City neighborhoods that have met Google’s pre-registration goals by September 9th. I’m not entirely sure what the specific goal is, to be considered, but you’ll be able to see how close you are to meeting that goal based on your location by visiting Google Fiber Cities.

Once your neighborhood has met Google’s Fiber goal, you’ll then have access to the following ridiculous (as in ridiculously amazing) packages.

Gigabit + TV

Gigabit Internet

Free Internet

These offers are simply amazing, and the top tier at $120/month for all that speed and gear is just plain insane. Did I mention how jealous I was? Anyways, if you live in Kansas City, you’re definitely going to want Google Fiber, so make sure you do everything in your power to bring it to your neighborhood.

For more information on the future of the internet and Google Fiber, check out the videos below and then hit up the source link below. Wowzers!