Poll: Have You Considered Purchasing NFC Tags For Your NFC Enabled Device?

A few weeks back I did a review on some NFC tags from https://tagsfordroid.com and with the majority of newer devices (including the Nexus 7) now being NFC enabled, I couldn’t help but wonder how many users have actually purchased NFC tags for their NFC enabled devices?

Most individuals haven’t used NFC beyond a simple mobile payment or Android Beam test. NFC is steadily making its way into all sorts of tech (think Nexus Q) and I’m curious to know how many of you are showing interest in this technology. I’m also going to be giving away 5 sets of NFC tags this Sunday and was hoping to get an idea of just how many people actually have an interest in them. So I ask: “Have you considered purchasing NFC tags for your NFC enabled device?”

[polldaddy poll=6417444]