Motorola Updates Ice Cream Sandwich Schedule To Remind Users They Still Don’t Have It

Unless you have an ASUS device, you’re probably waiting to be updated to Android 4.0. While Motorola did manage to bring Ice Cream Sandwich to the XOOM, they’ve left the rest of their devices in update limbo. In an effort to calm user frustration, Motorola has updated their Ice Cream Sandwich schedule — as if that helps. It appears the RAZR brand will see Android 4.0 sometime in Q2, while the DROID 4 won’t be seeing Ice Cream Sandwich until Q3.

Take a look at the list and see where your device stands, then remember to send Motorola a break-up letter and switch over to a Nexus device the next chance you get. Seriously, can we get these devices updated already? I feel for you guys, I really do.