BlackBerry Announces Secure Work Space Technology For Android & iOS


BlackBerry has today announced that it is extending its gold standard security service that provides complete separation of work and personal data on your mobile devices to Android and iOS.

Called Secure Work Space and managed through BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10, the service includes secured client apps for email, calendar, contacts, tasks, memos, and more to allow you to have one device for both work and personal use without compromising security.

“With BlackBerry® Balance™ technology, we offer the industry’s only true compromise-free separation of work and personal data and applications,” said David J Smith, EVP of Enterprise Mobile Computing.

“With Secure Work Space for iOS and Android devices, we’re extending as many of these features as possible to other platforms, critical in today’s Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) world. BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 offers administrators a single, intuitive platform enabling them to effectively and securely manage a variety of devices while protecting their corporate assets and at the same time providing employees the flexibility they desire.”

BlackBerry Balance made its debut on the new BlackBerry Z10, BlackBerry’s first smartphone powered by the BlackBerry 10 operating system, last month. It’s designed to make it easy for professionals to safely use their devices for work, without setting up and maintaining expensive VPN infrastructures.

“The vast majority of smartphones on the market aren’t adequately secure for corporate or government work,” according to Robert Enderle, Principal Analyst at Enderle Group. ““Currently BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10 combined with BlackBerry Balance or Secure Work Space has the only volume solution which has been designed from the ground up to provide the security most IT departments require.”

Secure Work Space is now in closed beta testing and public availability will be offered by the end of the second quarter of this year. BlackBerry says it will also be providing more details on the service at the BlackBerry Live Conference this May in Orlando, Florida.