Stalk the passengers on your next flight with this creepy app

Who will you wind up sitting with? Photo: James Vaughan/Flickr CC
Have you ever wished for an app that lets you know exactly who you’ll be sitting next to on a flight — right down to perusing your would-be neighbor’s Facebook profile to see what you have in common?
A new social check-in feature for airline app Quicket lets you choose a seat on an airplane, then immediately check who you’ll be paired with, complete with an optional link to their social media page.
Yes, it’s possibly the year’s creepiest app feature, and one that’s not even trying to hide its reason for existing. Check out this excerpt from its press release:
“Imagine you’re sitting on the plane watching people come down the aisle. You know what you’re thinking – “Please, PLEASE don’t let that be the person who’s sitting next to me”. With Quicket, that will no longer be an issue. Now you’ll know in advance exactly what to expect (and whether or not you’ll have to pretend to be asleep during the flight).
Users of the app can view others who have chosen seats on the plane by just clicking on their avatar linked to their social profiles. They can even use a new anonymous log in feature, which enables users to log in and view other passenger’s avatars, without providing any of their personal information.”
To be fair, the whole app’s not quite as unsettling. As a self-described “one-stop-app for all your travel needs,” it also gives users the ability to search for flights, purchase tickets in less than one minute, check in in-app, and view interactive airport maps for hundreds of airports worldwide: in other words, all useful features.
If you’re interested in finding out more, you can check out the Quicket Android app here and the iOS version here.
Just promise that you won’t switch seats if you find yourself stuck next to us on a flight. We’re good people, you know.