Samsung’s ‘Screen Envy’ ad mocks everyone waiting for an iPhone with a big screen


In its latest ad for the Galaxy S5, Samsung has taken a direct shot at Apple for the small screen size of the iPhone.

In the ad, the company takes a potshot at all those Apple users who are excited about rumors of the next-generation iPhone coming with a bigger screen since the last two years, while a phone with a bigger and better screen is already available in the market. 

In the 30-seconds ad appropriately titled “Screen Envy”, Samsung clearly shows the iPhone and the Galaxy S5 side-by-side with the latter absolutely pawning Apple’s offering with its 5.1-inch 1080p display.

Rumors about Apple working on a big screen iPhone have turned out to be false since the last couple of years, but this time the company is more than likely to release an iPhone with a 4.7-inch or at least a bigger screen.

As an iPhone owner, are you jealous of the big screen that the Galaxy S5 and other Android devices offer out there? Android owners, especially those of S5, what do you think about this ad from Samsung?