Android 4.4.4 Release 2 factory images are now available for the Nexus 5 in Australia, New Zealand & India


The latest build (KTU84Q) of Google’s recently updated operating system, 4.4.4 KitKat Release 2, is now officially available to download for Nexus 5’s in Australia (Telstra), New Zealand (2Degrees) and India. However, this update doesn’t use Android’s standard over-the-air (OTA) upgrade process. Instead, you will need to download the 4.4.4 factory images and install them on your device via the search engine giants Developer Platform.

These factory images are not your standard JPG or PNG. They are images, which allow you to directly update and wipe your device – effectively installing the newly released operating system from scratch. The images are also particularly useful if you have previously tinkered around with the ROM on your device and need an easy route back to the stock version of Android.

Unfortunately, there’s no word on what’s included in Release 2 of 4.4.4, but we do know that there’s some carrier-specific radio adaptations together with the usual multitude of bug fixes, stability improvements and speed optimizations. We’ve reached out to Google in an effort to retrieve a full changelog and we’ll be sure to update this post with additional information as soon as a representative responds.

In the mean time — hit the source link below to download the factory images from the official Google Developer Blog and if you happen to notice any changes do be sure to let us know by sending us an email, tweeting us or dropping a comment in the section below.