Daily wallpaper: Andy hits the Apple Store in disguise


In today’s free wallpaper, Andy heads to his local Apple store in a rather inconspicuous outfit, in order to eradicate some more of the competition without being noticed.

You can grab it, and all our other featured wallpapers, from the Cult of Android page on Google+. Or you can download the full-size image by clicking the link at the bottom of this page.

Once clicked, the wallpaper will load. Right-click on the image, or press and hold, then select “download full size” from the options menu that appears. Depending on the resolution of your handset, you may want to use your favorite photo-editing software to resize the image for a better fit — we’d recommend approximately 1136 x 640 pixels.

Got a favorite wallpaper you want featured on Cult of Android? Send it to us by Twitter or email. If you do not own the rights to the image you’re submitting, please tell us who does.

Note: We strive to identify the creators of our featured wallpapers. However, some images lack copyright information, artist signatures or any trace of origin. If you created a wallpaper we featured and would like credit, or simply want us to remove the image, please email email hidden; JavaScript is required.