SwiftKey Updated To Version 4.1.1, Equipped With Essential Bug Fixes


It has been two weeks since SwiftKey was updated to Version 4.1, however earlier today SwiftKey released another update for its hit keyboard application – but don’t get too excited, there’s no new features! All we’re seeing is a bunch of essential bug fixes, to iron out the creases of the application.

The first fix the update brings us is a proper, fully functioning text input box for native email users on Samsung devices – prior to the update, users with Samsung devices using the stock email application would have noticed the cursor jumping around in the paragraph you were typing, displacing all of your text.

The second fix the update brings us, is the removal of the ‘execute’ button, which was displayed whilst typing in the Google Hangouts application – prior to the update, this issue caused the keyboard to spontaneously crash, as the ‘execute’ button was unstable.

Finally, the update brings two fixes related to personalization features, which caused the keyboard to crash. Also, SwiftKey users on older Android 2.1 devices, can now use the Pitch theme.

If you’re unaware of SwiftKey and would like to find out more about it, be sure to check out the detailed application description below, taken directly from SwiftKey’s application page on the Play Store.

SwiftKey replaces the touchscreen keyboard on your phone with one that understands how words work together, giving the world’s most accurate autocorrect – and predicting your next word before you press a key.

The keyboard learns as you use it to make corrections and predictions based on the way that you write. It can learn from your Gmail, Facebook, Twitter or blog to make its insights even more personalized. You can also enable up to three languages simultaneously, for true multi-lingual typing.

The updated version of SwiftKey, reinstates the original stability that the first version of SwiftKey brought to the table. So, if you’ve purchased SwiftKey, be sure to hit the source link, to update your copy of SwiftKey now.